If you want to give your beloved feline a treat that is natural, healthy and delicious, you can’t go wrong with freeze-dried chicken treats. These treats are made from premium quality chicken breast fillet, sourced from trusted suppliers and processed with care. Unlike other snacks that use artificial ingredients, preservatives or added sugar, these treats are 100% pure chicken, with nothing else added. They are freeze-dried using a special technique that preserves the flavour and nutrients of the chicken, making them a rich source of protein and essential amino acids for your pet. Protein and amino acids are vital for health, as they support their muscle growth, immune system, skin and coat, and overall well-being. Freeze-dried chicken treats are suitable from 6 months  old kittens to seniors. They are low in calories and easy to digest, so you can reward your cat without worrying about their weight or health. You can also crumble them over your cat’s food to enhance the taste and nutrition of their regular diet. Your cat will love the crunchy texture and the irresistible taste of real chicken. Freeze-dried chicken treats are the ideal treat for any occasion, whether you want to train, bond or spoil your friend. They come in a handy re-sealable bag that keeps them fresh and convenient. Try them today and see why cats go crazy for freeze-dried chicken treats from CATREATS! 

Feeding guide: Feed as a treat or a snack in between meals. Adjust the amount of food accordingly. Always provide with fresh water. Do not feed more than 10% of your cat’s daily calorie intake as treats. If your pet throws up right after eating, it could be a sign that they ate too much or too quickly or they might be reacting to a change in their diet. Consult your veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns about your cat’s health or nutrition.

Nutritional value (per 100g): Energy 1590 kJ, Protein 84.7 g, Fat 4.1 g (of which saturated 1.2 g), Carbohydrate 0 g (of which sugars 0 g), Fibre 0.2 g, Ash 5.9 g, Moisture 4.5 g.

CATREATS is a company that specializes in  selling high-quality, natural, and delicious treats for cats. The company was founded in 2021 by a team of cat lovers who wanted to find a better alternative to the mass-produced and artificial treats available in the market. CATREATS uses only the finest ingredients, such as fresh meat, fish, cheese, and herbs, and avoids any artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, or fillers. Cat Treats also cares about the environment and uses eco-friendly packaging. Sadly it comes in a plain packaging at the moment, but new design and more products are coming and we will be more fun, more attractive and delicious than ever before! CATREATS is the ultimate choice for cat owners who want to spoil their furry friends with the best treats possible.