Live fish (5) Colony Neolamprologus Daffodil with males already having long lyre tails. These are all 2”-3” in size now! As adults these beautiful fish make large multigenerational colonies when kept by themselves but also will make great additions to any African cichlid community aquarium. Both males and females of this species look absolutely amazing.

***LIVE ARRIVAL GUARANTEE.****Both overnight and 2day shipping will include breather bags, heat packs and a styrofoam insulated box. Please be available to receive fish in order to keep live arrival guarantee. We will hold off on shipping if weather prohibits it to ensure your fish arrive alive and in the best of health. In rare case of DOA fish please send pictures within 1 hour of delivery. We always try to resolve any issues as we value all customers. If applicable we can credit cost of fish or replace if still stock is available. SHIPPING COSTS ARE NOT REFUNDABLE