Abstract expressionism titled  " Statue in the Park"   signed by artist on front and back
Acrylic on board by Canadian artist William H Buchanan
Dated and signed : 1967
Measures 30 x 24 inches

Auction Sales Stats for William Harold Buchanan

Auction Records  (+)9        New Item(s) 
% Lots Sold78%
High auction price$1,000
High auction price date6/02/2022
High price / sq. inch$2.16
High price / sq. inch date

William Harold Buchanan was born in Cape Breton in 1925 and has painted throughout his lifetime up to the present day. As a Canadian, a veteran, and an astute social observer, his work is an important reflection of the last 80 years of cultural and political changes in our country. Employing direct expressionist techniques, Buchanan's work has a powerful psychological magnetism that has remained relevant to contemporary themes. His work is carried in many private collections.