Weight - 20ml Each

Pack of - 2

Expiry Date - 2026

Salactin Paint is a collodion wart paint, used for the topical treatment of common warts, plantar and mosaic warts, corns, and calluses (small rough growths on the skin). It contains salicylic acid and lactic acid as active ingredients that remove the corns and warts effectively and painlessly without scarring the skin.

Salicylic acid has keratolytic properties that causes the breakdown of the keratin layer. Lactic acid enhances the availability of salicylic acid and helps in the breakdown of the skin's surface. On application, Salactin Paint dries and leaves a flexible film over the site of application.

Always apply Salactin Paint as advised by your physician. It is for external use only and not for oral or ophthalmic use. It can be safely used by children, adults and elderly.