Beautiful chocolate brown color over mark free surfaces on this large and heavy copper coin from the Russian Empire. Housed in a thick style NGC holder to accommodate the size of this super heavy item.

Russia during the early 1800s experienced significant historical and social developments under the rule of several monarchs, including Alexander I and Nicholas I. Here are some key aspects of Russia during this period:

  1. Napoleonic Wars: Russia played a crucial role in the Napoleonic Wars during the early 1800s. In 1812, Napoleon invaded Russia, leading to the famous Russian campaign. The harsh Russian winter and successful Russian resistance contributed to Napoleon's defeat.
  2. Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationalism: Nicholas I adhered to the principles of "Orthodoxy, Autocracy, and Nationalism" as the foundation of Russian political ideology during his reign. The Orthodox Church played a significant role in supporting the autocratic rule of the tsar.
  3. Industrialization and Economic Changes: While Russia remained largely agrarian, there were attempts at industrialization during the early 1800s. Nicholas I's government initiated some infrastructure projects, such as the construction of railways, but overall industrialization progressed more significantly in the latter half of the 19th century.
  4. Serfdom: Serfdom, a system of bonded labor, remained a prominent feature of Russian society during the early 1800s. It was not until the mid-19th century that significant reforms were made under Tsar Alexander II, including the emancipation of the serfs in 1861.
  5. Literature and Culture: The early 1800s were a period of flourishing literature in Russia, often referred to as the "Golden Age of Russian Literature." Writers such as Alexander Pushkin, Leo Tolstoy, and Fyodor Dostoevsky emerged during this time, making significant contributions to world literature.
  6. Territorial Expansion: Russia continued to expand its territory during the early 1800s. For example, the Russian-American Company extended Russian influence in Alaska, and territories in the Caucasus were annexed.

The early 1800s set the stage for later reforms and changes in Russia, including the more extensive reforms carried out by Alexander II in the mid-19th century. The social, political, and cultural developments during this period laid the groundwork for the transformation of Russia in subsequent decades.