Lightburn Laser Test Files | Engrave Test | Cut Test

Will work with any laser that supports Lightburn.

I've broken up these test files into multiple pieces as I find I usually want to only test 1 aspect at a time and figure other may feel the same way.

There are 24 lightburn files in total, 4 sets of 6 files.

One set is marked 10w (should also work well for 5w lasers) and another set is marked 20w.

Only different in the files is the speed of the layers. The original file was built for the 10w laser and the 20w file has all layer speeds doubled.

Then there is a set marked 50w and another marked 100w. These are the same files but the speeds have been increased and the max power settings for the layers have been decreased. So for the 50w files the power maxes out around 50% and for the 100w around 30% for engraving. The cut file power setting vary some but most are still less than 100% power.

3 cut tests that run at 4 speeds at 80/90/100% and then with 1/2/3 passes.

The files are labeled Thin, Medium, Thick and intended for different material types.

Thin for paper/cardboard, Think for wood, and Medium for in between

The Circle test is a image grayscale file going from 5% to 100% brightness

The Grid test has 20 "Fill" squares going from 5-100% power. All you need to is adjust the speed to adjust darkness levels

The Engrave test is grid with squares going from 10-100 power and 10-145 mm/s

If you are using the 50w or 100w files, the way the power settings work is each square has property settings for the power setting it should be using. This property

setting is a percentage of the total layer power.

For example, If the layer is set to 100% power, and the property setting is set to 30%, then the power output for that object is 30% power.

But if the layer power is set to 60% and the property setting is set to 30%, then the power output for that object is 18% (30% of 60).

If you find the setting for the 50w or 100w setting to be too weak or strong, just increase or decrease the layer power settings. The rest of the setting should be fine as is.

The Circle file will work with any power laser as it is based off the grey scale image to go from 0-100% power.

A common question I get is if all the layers being set to 100% power is a error. No, this is correct. The individual shapes get their power settings in the shape properties of the object.

Another common issue, You must open the files though the File->Open menu. If you "import" the files they will use the current layer settings instead of the ones setup in the file and that will mess up how the file should run.

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