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VOGT Silversmith" began in the late 1960s when a cowboy who ran a ranch in California, U.S.A., founded a manufacturer of bits and spurs, which are harnesses.
The bit and spurs, which are like the brake and accelerator in a car, were required to be both practical and decorative, so the company moved to OLD MEXICO in search of skilled craftsmen capable of intricate workmanship, and has provided high-quality tools.
Meanwhile, Chet Vogt, the current president, began producing buckles, jewelry, and other decorative items, successfully branding the company with its masculine, rugged silver buckles in an American market crowded with long-established buckle makers.
Bogut's handmade silver items, which project the chic sensibility of real cowboys, have resonated with many people and have been used by generations of parents and children alike.