This interactive puppy robot, named HARRY, is perfect for anyone who loves dogs and wants a pet that can walk and talk. With its realistic barking and wagging tail, HARRY is sure to be a hit with children and adults alike. The toy figure type is a play figure, and it features a Dalmatian cartoon character theme. HARRY is an electronic pet that is perfect for those who want a low-maintenance pet that is easy to take care of.

The item dimensions of HARRY are 5.12 x 4.72 x 7.87 inches, and it is suitable for children aged 1-11 years and even adults. This interactive toy is ideal for animal lovers, with a dog-themed design and a character family that includes dogs. Whether you are looking for a gift for a child or a fun toy for yourself, HARRY the interactive puppy robot is sure to deliver endless hours of entertainment and companionship.