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    Product Details
  • 225 Pages
  • 235 Photos & Illustrations
  • Paperback
  • Colour
  • Part of the Those were the days Series
Completely Morgan: Three Wheelers 1910-1952
By Ken Hill


• Multum in parvo: the history of Morgan from the earliest three-wheelers, to the 1990s
• Three-wheelers in competition – the Morgan motorsport story from 1911
• Covers every three-wheeler model, from the Standard of 1910, to the Ford-engined models produced until 1952
• Contemporary practical information to help you to get the very best from your Morgan
• Lists Morgan clubs around the world, and their activities
• Detailed appendices, covering original specifications and production changes, general data, technical data sheets, and wiring diagrams
• Includes information on manufacturers, specialists, and distributors
• Also includes bibliography, details of Morgan miniature models, and factory sales literature


For all owners – and would-be owners – of three-wheeled Morgans, this is an invaluable book, packed with genuinely useful information.
Starting with a detailed look at the Morgan motor company’s history, Ken Hill goes on to describe the marque’s motorsport record, and thoroughly chronicles the evolution of all three-wheeler models since 1910.


For owners and would-be owners of three-wheeled Morgans, Ken Hill has created an invaluable ‘Bible’ which is absolutely packed with genuinely useful information.
Ken sets the stage by detailing the history of the Morgan motor company, describes the marque’s motorsport record and then, with great thoroughness, chronicles the evolution of all three-wheeler models since 1910.
Next comes practical advice on maintenance and repair – advice based on expert information produced when the three-wheelers were still in production.
Part of the ‘Morgan experience’ is the extraordinary social scene that embraces the marque on a worldwide basis, so Ken devotes a whole chapter to Morgan clubs and their activities.
The last part of the book is a series of appendices comprised of original specification, production changes, wiring diagrams, technical data sheets, details of specialists, distributors and manufacturers, details of Morgan miniature models and a record of factory sales literature.
Altogether, this work is a unique source book of essential information for all Morgan three-wheeler owners and enthusiasts.
The two other books in this series: Completely Morgan - Four-wheelers 1936-1968, and Completely Morgan – Four-wheelers 1968-1995, are also being reissued as part of Veloce’s Classic Reprint series.

Additional Information

Period Covered:

Models Covered:
All three-wheeler models
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements 4
Introduction 6

The history of a small company
with a huge reputation 7
The dream becomes reality 8
Behind every great man ... 10
Keeping the pot boiling 11
From little acorns ... 12
The Depression and
mass-production 14
Litigation 14
Demise of the three-wheeled cyclecar 16
Predictions 18
The war years 19
Production re-starts 19
Family links maintained 20
HFS’s farewell 21
Saved by the chequered flag 21
Expansion 21
Postwar depression 22
Emission & safety controls (USA) 22
Exports worldwide 23
The welcome mat 24
Campaign agents 24
The next generation 25
Visiting the factory 25
Litigation 26
75 years young 26

Three or four wheels? 27
1911: wrong spark 28
1912: Brooklands records 28
1913: Grand Prix 29
1914: ‘A perfect farce’ 31
1919: competition starts
again 32
1920: two wheels & one hand 33
1921: half throttle 34
1922: snowmobiles 37
1923: front wheel brakes 38
1924: accident 39
1925: over the limit 40
1926: ‘trade’ banned 42
1927: another Brooklands
accident 43
1928: back to racing 43
1929: records galore 46
1930: the ‘ton-up’ lady 47
1931: a two-wheeled Morgan 48
1932: "If you sell ‘em,prove ‘em" 50
1933: third time lucky – almost! 50
1934: gold star, dead heat 52
1935: McEvothe lead 54
The end of an era 55

Standard model 1910-1928 57
Grand Prix model 1913-1926 60
Four-seater Family model
1917-1937 63
Sports Family model 1931-1936 63
Delivery van 1928-1935 67
Aero model 1920-1933 69
Super Sports 1927-1939 72
The Sports model 1932-1939 78
Ford-engined models
1933-1952 79
The Darmont Morgan 82
The Sandford 84

Keeping a Morgan in tune 87
Keeping a Morgan JAP in tune 89
Care & maintenance of
the Morgan 91
Maintenance of Morgan
three-wheelers 94
Care & maintenance of Morgan
steering gear 95
Further hints on Morgan
steering maintenance 96
Checking wear in Morgan
sliding axles 105
Morgan geared steering
maintenance 106
Upkeep of the Morgan
three-wheeler 108
Tuning & maintenance:
lubrication 111
Tuning & maintenance: engines 115
Tuning & maintenance: brakes,
wheel bearings, front suspension 119
Tuning & maintenance: steering,
rear wheel & clutch adjustments 122
Anzani 2200cc cyclecar engine 123
Blackburne engine 124
JAP engine 126
MAG engine 129
Matchless MX, MX2, MX4
engines 130

Chapter V MORGAN CLUBS 132
The Morgan Three-Wheeler
Club Ltd 132
The Morgan Sports Car Club Ltd 134
Morgan clubs around the world 139
Morgan clubs affiliated to the
Morgan Sports Car Club 161
Other international Morgan
contacts 164

Appendix I Original specifications
1930-1939 165
Appendix II Specification
changes & general data 169
Appendix III Specialists,
manufacturers & distributors 189
Appendix IV Wiring diagrams &
lubrication chart 194
Appendix V Sales literature 203
Appendix VI Morgan miniature
models 207
Appendix VII Bibliography 216
Appendix VIII Safety & Glossary
of terms 219

Index 223