NEW: Exact sizes are given in the pictures now.

Multiple types Carbon made Brushes for Tool Replacement-Repair

Questions, that customers ask me. May help to others.

Q: 168/169 What is the disk size?
A: 6.5mm

Q: 174 What is the disk size?
A: 12mm

Q: 176 Is grooved?
A: Yes,  from both sides.

Q: Why brushes are smaller than advertised
A1: All brushes are made to fit in their beds and to move freely. 5mm brush will normally measure 4.8mm with calliper. That is allowing 0.1mm from both sides to move.
A2: All brushes will measure about 0.2mm less, than their stock size.

Q: Brushes I ordered are 2mm bigger than my old brushes and can not find the exact size.
A: Here I advice the customers to sand them down from both sides with 1mm

Q: Can I transfer the wire/spring/contactors from old brushes to the new ones, because there is no exact replacement on the market.
A: Yes, you can. However soldering the wires to the contactors may result a failure in future, if your tool overheats a lot and melt the soldering joints (brushes will be damaged after few overheats like that). Best is spot-weld, but most people do not have spot welder under the table. Most customers solder them and look like it works.

Q: My brushes are gone after 10-20min of using the tool? Why the brush smoke?
A1: Your tool is low voltage POWER TOOL (12V 18V 36V) and requires copper brushes, carbon ones will light-up, because the high currents. That will shorten their life drastically. Many low voltage motors use carbon brush. Brushes coloured in orange/yellow are copper mix and grey/black are carbon material
A2: You have other damage on the toll. Can be the shaft: bearing - causing the shaft to vibrate or loose copper ring - creating a bump on the copper rings. These will cause excessive sparkling and shorting the brush life drastically.
A3: If anything wrong, you will have excessive brush sparkling and smoke/smell during operation. Look for these signs and what is causing them.