- Condition: Pre-owned; mild wear; no damage noted; handmade
- Brand: Unknown brand; handmade
- Measurements:
Size: M/L
- Description: Red knit crochet string tie bikini top; adjustable due to the nature of design, string tie at halter and back (see photo)
- Material: Unknown material, handmade; yarn


NOTE: Item has been thrifted for re-selling purposes. All items have been high-heat steamed for cleaning purposes, or washed via at home machine / dry-cleaned when necessary. Though there are some instances where the buyer may need to invest in the cleaning of the item.

Item is listed on other platforms, get it while you can!

- colorful, 70s, 1970s, hippie, retro, handmade, grandmacore, grandma core, flower power, funky, eclectic, flower child, hippie, boho