This AQUAYER Test Kit Set is perfect for monitoring the quality of water in your aquarium, pond, or pool. The kit includes tests for pH level, KH, and GH. With these test parameters, you can ensure that your water is safe and healthy for your aquatic pets and plants. The brand is AQUAYER and the product is manufactured in Ukraine, making it a reliable choice for water testing. This test kit is suitable for freshwater and comes with a range of test/treatment parameters. If you want to guarantee the safety of your aquatic ecosystem, this test kit is a must-have.

Directions (pH Test)

The optimum pH for freshwater aquarium fish is 6.0-8.0, and for optimal growth of aquatic plants 6.0-7.0. It is recommended to measure the pH in the aquarium at least once a week. Also at fish transfer from one aquarium to another in order to avoid sudden pH change harmful to fishes.

It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions to ensure the accuracy of the test declared by the manufacturer.

1. Pour 5 ml of aquarium water to the test tube;
2. Add 5 drops of the reagent;
3. Swirl the test tube in a circular motion;
4. Compare the color in the test tube with the scale.

2 years at temperature below 30 °С

Directions (KH Test)

KH (carbonate hardness, alkalinity) - is determined by the content of carbonates and bicarbonates in the water and affect the pH of water.

It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions to ensure the accuracy of the test declared by the manufacturer.

1. Pour 5 ml of aquarium water to the test tube;
2. Add KH reagent dropwise until the color changes from blue to yellow;

1 drop of KH reagent = 1 degree of carbonate hardness (alkalinity)

(!) Swirl the test tube after each drop.

2 years at temperature below 30 °С

Directions (GH Test)

Water general hardness (GH) – one of the most important parameter for aquarium hobbyists. General hardness of water demonstrate the amount of soluble salts of calcium and magnesium. These salts influence on many live processes which are important for plants and fishes. AQUAYER test GН measure water hardness in °dH. Recommended GH is 4-20 °dH for freshwater fishes and 3-8 °dH for better growth of aquarium plants.

- Soft water – less than 6°;
- Medium hardness – 6-12°;
- Hard water – more than 12°;

1. Pour water from the aquarium into the measuring vial till label “5 мл”;
2. Add the reagent dropwise till color change from red to green. 1 drop of the reagent = 1 degree of general hardness;
3. Shake the vial slowly after each drop.

(!) After addition of the last drop of the reagent the color of the sample in the measuring vial changes slowly during 2-3 seconds.

2 years at temperature below 30 °С