Popular Playthings Crazy Camp Puzzle for Ages 8 and Up - PPT70211


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The 'mind to learn' that lasts a lifetime is nurtured through childhood play, and what is important is the small awareness that comes from the process and tools that you learned, rather than the result. And above all, it was a warm memory that was interesting. First of all, please give priority to children's curiosity while interacting with parents and children, and adults should support children's 'I want to do it!' by empathy and creating an environment. Sprouts grow from small curiosity, and the amount of discovery and learning experience will greatly expand the possibility of their childhood and future. 'Real Experience' Important for Learning in Early Childhood From around the age of three, play to nurture cognitive ability such as 'reading, writing, and calculation' will start. The most important thing for children at this time is learning through hands-on experience using their eyes and hands. Abstract concepts cannot be understood by trying to explain them by words alone. Touch it with your hand and notice the difference in weight and shape. When you gather, the amount increases, when you give it to someone, it decreases. By thinking and learning based on your own experience, you acquire knowledge as 'for yourself'. What's the difference between educational playground equipment in the world? In kindergartens in Europe, there is almost no tool to ask for this answer. Instead, I see tools that do not have detailed rules or written letters or numbers. Children at this time are in the early stages of learning, and they still acquire knowledge in the extension of play. For this reason, 'educational playground equipment' that you can learn through play is used. I have learned and understood the concept of 'I remembered it without permission' by repeating the play experience. Areas of Early Childhood Learning We support six areas of early childhood learning. We will step up to the application stage where we solve problems by ourselves based on knowledge acquired by developing cognitive ability. <6 Areas of Learning> ● Fingertips FINE MOTOR SKILLS ● Numbers NUMBER ● Forms SHAPE ● Colors COLOR ● Words WORD LANGUAGE ● Logical Thinking LOGICAL THINKING In order to acquire knowledge firmly, there are 3 steps in Montessori education, and educational play equipment plays an important role. STEP1. Know It is important for adults to give correct information. By pointing your finger together, you can connect words with real things and concepts. STEP2. Comprehend Here is the turn of educational play equipment. By visualizing abstract concepts, let's see where the child stumbles. Even if you can do it today, you will forget to do it next time, like a pendulum, and repeatedly come and go, so do not panic. STEP3. Output based on what you understand Once you understand, you can step up to more complex learning. You will be able to apply it to real life, such as calculating and understanding in order according to the instructions. Looping Frizz Russian Doll's Finger Play Tree Avacas Bus Stop Game Build-Up Cube Touch and Feel Form Learning Area Fingertip Numerals Target Age 1? About two years old? About two years old? Around four? Around three? Around four? Features Reach out to what you see with curiosity about colorful play tools, pick up beads, turn around and enjoy the clatter. You can change from one hand to both hands naturally, feel close or far away from yourself, and enjoy moving the beads while learning the color, shape, and size naturally. Even simple things that adults can do without looking at them require repeated practice. Even if it is difficult to do it while wearing it, it becomes easier to do it by facing it, and you can practice various movements using the fingertips such as 'raising and lowering the fastener' and 'snapping and unbuttoning'. Avacas can prompt the recognition of a number of up to 100. The horizontal Abacus is perfect for kids when they've started to count, because you can see everything without hiding when you move the beads. The beads are divided into four colors, five each, so you can see the clusters of five. You can also use different difficulty levels, such as 1 to 50, or 50 to 101. This game is recommended for children who can recognize the number and understand the rules of the game. If the stopped square is '+', the number of the roulette is placed on the bus. In the case of '?', only the number that you get will be taken off the bus. The roulette is not just a number, but also a number in '●', so children of ages who do not know the numbers can enjoy it. While using the basic cube, it is a playground equipment that develops spatial cognition such as shape, size, depth, interval and direction. Spatial cognition is the basic power of many abilities acquired later. Observe the cube carefully, look at it from various angles, and imagine what is out of sight. Look at the cards with silhouettes of various shapes, put your hand in the bag and search for the pieces of shapes that are drawn with just touch. It is difficult to find pieces with different irregularities without seeing them, and children and adults can enjoy it from the same viewpoint because the difficulty varies from person to person. Sexuality Nendo Studio Basic 7 Colors Set Candy Catcher Terme the Picture Alphabet Fiddle Match & Spelling Colorful Gear Crazy Camp Puzzle Learning Areas Colors Language Words Logical Thinking Logical Thinking Target Age 2? Around four? Around four? Around four? Around three? Around eight? Features Hands are said to be the second brain, and hand play is an experience necessary for growth. By enjoying the feel with your hands, you can form free ideas and feel the joy of expressing what you thought and what you like. Basic 7 color set with common colors. It contains two white pieces that are used to darken the color. Black, which is difficult to make in mixed colors, is also included, and it is very useful when making a face or a specific motif such as a lunch box. It is a European version of Carta play that you can play using only 'color' without using words or numbers. It is a game that requires observation and concentration skills to recognize colors accurately in an instant, and everyone from children to adults can enjoy it together. A communication game in which the opponent is able to understand the contents of a picture drawn on a sheet and the opponent completes the same picture as the sheet. It is easy to make mistakes because it changes depending on where you stand, such as in front of '?' or on the left side of '?'. Students will develop skills such as 'thinking about others and communicating with them,' 'the ability to accurately express the image that you want to convey,' and 'the ability to listen to information and understand it correctly.' It is important to learn that there is one sound per letter, but it is important to be able to distinguish the pronunciation of words by breaking them down into each sound. Words written in three and four letters each You can place the same alphabet on the board to learn the correct spelling and pronunciation of the alphabet. Assemble the blocks and engage the gears that form the gears with each other. When the gear is engaged well, all the gears will start moving together just by moving one gear! The children were excited by the discovery and surprise. The pattern of the gear shows a different charm by rotating it. It is fun that even adults will be fascinated. It is a type-fitting puzzle of 11 pieces of unique campers. Connect the pieces in different shapes and put them on a single base to complete the camp. Bears invade tents, snakes on sleeping bags, girls hold their noses down by the smell of skunks, and the campground is on the verge of panic! Conversations with your siblings and friends will surely be lively.

Gender: Gender: Shared

Age: From 8

Country of Manufacture: China

Safety Standards: CE