in Game Rewards

(Steam | PC | XBOX Worldwide)

↓ Item Description | Delivery Information | Terms of Sale 

1. x3 Archon Shards: x2 Tauforged, x1 Simple
2. x1 Warframe Sevagoth +2 slots, 1 weapon slot
3. x11 Forma
4. x2 Forma: Umbra, x1 Forma: Umbra(BP)
5. x10.000 Kuva
6. {Resources} 3 pieces drop randomly: Form, Form: Aura, Umbra, Stance; Warframe/Weapon Slot
7. {OTHER ITEMS} Requiem IV Relic, Oull Requiem Mod, x20 Universal Medallion, x10 Nitain Extract, Orokin Reactor, Orokin Catalyst, x21 Relics, x15 Debt-Bonds, Exilus Weapon Adapter, Tennokai Mod
8. {Adapters} x2 Weapon Adapter BP
9. {Decorations} x2 Glyph, Entrati, Ayatan Sculpture, Statue: Ordis, Fluffy, Shawzin, Truck, Zariman, x2 Domestik Drones: Mood, Badboi

1. After successfully verified order and payment product will be delivered to your eBay Inbox/E-Mail
2. Average delivery time - 5 minutes to 8 hour during our business hours. Depending in which part of the day order is made it may take up to 24 hours, with guaranteed delivery within 24 hours.

Warframe  (owned on Steam / PC / XBOX) 

  1. Instructions will be sent upon purchase.

  • Return policy & Protection:
Once order is confirmed and the item has been delivered/received, there are no returns.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us. We will respond to you in timely manner