The Bakers® story begins way back in 1851 when Edward Baker set up a family flour business. Fast forward to 1991 when BAKERS® Complete was launched, because Edward Baker believed that dry dog food should be every bit as tasty as it is nutritious. Our recipe has been made with a variety of tender* meaty chunks & wholegrains for quality, tasty goodness. Each meal contains the every day nutrients your dog needs to get on with all the playful & cheeky things that happy & healthy BAKERS® dogs do!
100% Tender* Meaty Chunks
*softness varying with time

Analytical Constituents:

Nutritional additives:    IU/kg:

Preparation and Usage
Daily Feeding Guidelines

Recommended daily amount (g/day):
Animal size: Toy Dog; Dog weight (kg): 1 - 5; Daily feeding quantity (g): 40 - 120
Animal size: Small Dog; Dog weight (kg): 5 - 10; Daily feeding quantity (g): 120 - 190
A glass of 250 ml / One half pint mug holds approximately 100g of Bakers® Adult. To help keep your dog in an optimal body condition, adjust according to your dog's activity level, physical condition and individual needs.
Clean, fresh drinking water should always be available.

Best before date, registration and batch number: see coding on bottom panel.
Keep pet food in a cool and dry place.