At 81% protein, our raw and sprouted Rice Protein Isolate is a great premium quality protein powder, perfect for fortifying your favourite recipes, smoothies and juices.Made from sprouted wholegrain rice, our Rice Protein is one of the best vegan protein powders because of its high digestibility and amino acid profile. It is also lower in salt than alternative plant based proteins.It is vegan, non GM, soya free and contains no added fillers, sugars or sweetners, making it a great alternative to whey protein.Easy to use our protein powders are natural and unflavoured, great for adding to your favourite recipes. Try adding a dessertspoon of our rice protein into your breakfast cereal or muesli for a healthy, protein packed breakfast. perfect for fortifying your favourite recipes.Suitable for vegetarians and vegans looking for an alternative to whey proteinIngredientsBrown Rice Protein Concentrate Made in a factory that handles nuts, peanuts; milk. May contain soya. Ingredients Brown Rice Protein Concentrate Directions Add to shakes, juices, smoothies and recipes - see back of back for recommended serving size Safety Warning Made in a factory that handles milk products, soya, nuts and peanuts Box Contains 1 x Pulsin Rice Protein Powder 1 kg Manufacturer Contact Information Pulsin Ltd, Units 14-16 Brunel Court, Waterwells Business Park, Gloucester, GL2 2AL, UK See more