Applaws gives your dog a high protein meat diet in a dry food with a protein level comparable to that of fresh chicken.  Diets that use high levels of cereal as their source of protein can be hard for dogs to digest and to metabolise. This may cause stress to the liver and kidneys and could lead to sensitivities or allergies.  Applaws Complete Dry Dog Foods contain no cereal or grains.  It also contains an active Pro-biotic which may encourage the presence of protective and friendly bacteria in the gut. As well as being naturally hypoallergenic, it contains purified beta glucan from yeast to help improve the immune system.

This highly nutritious food means that you may need to fed less compared to an ordinary food.  When feeding for the first time introduce gradually over seven to ten days. The recommended daily serving is only a guide as requirements vary according to age size and activity level and will also depend if you also feed wet food.


Ingredients - Chicken 67% (from Dried Chicken), Chicken Mince 8%, Potato Starch 8%, Peas 8% (from Dried Peas), Poultry Oil 3% (Source of Omega 6), Beet Pulp, Poultry Gravy, Whole Egg (from Dried Egg), Cellulose Plant Fibre, Minerals, Salmon Oil (source of Omega 3 & EPA & DHA) Vitamins, Tomato (from Dried Tomato), Carrot (from Dried Carrot), Chicory Extract (F.O.S), Alfalfa Meal, Seaweed/Kelp, Yeast Extract (Purified Beta Glucan min 0.1%), Glucosamine, Methylsulfonylmethane, Chondroitin, Peppermint, Paprika Meal, Turmeric, Thyme Extract, Citrus Extract, Taurine 1000 mg/kg, Yucca Extract, Cranberry, Fennel Extract, Carob Extract, Ginger, Rosehip Extract, Dandelion Extract, Rosemary Oil Extract, Oregano, Probiotic.