PetShop's Summary

This is a complete, super premium pet food for older dogs. It contains significantly higher levels of joint supplements than standard diets to help keep our seniors mobile to their golden years. It is also lower in fat to help prevent weight gain in less active dogs. High quality, human grade ingredients are selected to create our diets and we do not include any artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. All our foods contain a unique blend of nutrients and natural supplements to help promote the optimum health, vitality and condition of your pet. These include: prebiotics to aid digestion; joint supplements; essential fatty acids to help promote a healthy skin and coat; whole cranberries for urinary tract health; powerful natural antioxidants, plus added vitamins and minerals to help support your pet's immune system and dental health. All our products are naturally hypoallergenic so you won't find any wheat gluten, beef, soya or dairy products in our recipes. This may reduce the risk of dietary intolerances and allergies that can cause digestive disorders and skin complaints. As you can see, when it comes to your best friend, only the best will do!



Chicken (Chicken Meat Meal 22%, Fresh Chicken 5%), Rice 22%, Maize, Beet Pulp, Refined Chicken Oil, Whole Linseed, Chicken Digest, Whole Dried Egg, Yeast, Krill, Minerals, Prebiotic FOS, Prebiotic MOS, Glucosamine (740mg/kg), MSM (740mg/kg), Chondroitin (520mg/kg), Cranberries, Yucca Extract, Nucleotideses.



Nutrient Amount 
Protein 22%
Fat 12%
Fibre 3.5%
Ash 6%
Omega 3 0.7%
L-carnitine 50mg/kg
Omega 6 4.12%
Calcium 1%
Phosphorus 0.75%
Vitamin A 18000 IU
Vitamin D 1350 IU
Vitamin E 240 mg
Copper 100 mg
Manganese 67 mg
Zinc Chelate 500 mg
Calcium iodate anhydrous 2.4 mg
Selenised Yeast (inactivated) 65 mg
