Up for auction is an beautiful censored cover from St Louis Missouri, USA to US army 2nd Lt Edwin Kalbfleish who was captured in the Philippines by the Japanese army and then interned at the POW camp in Japan. Prisoner of War.  Dated November 16, 1944. Priced to sell. Nice postal history cover.

Exceptionally rare piece of postal history.

Edwin Kalbfleish Jr. was a First Lieutenant in the Army during World War II. Edwin was captured by Imperial Japan while serving in the Philippine Islands, and was sent to Osaka Main Camp Chikko near Osaka, Japan where 4,123 other American POWs were held. Edwin's capture was first reported to the International Committee of the Red Cross on May 7, 1942, and the last report was made on November 21, 1945. Based on these two reports, Edwin was imprisoned for at least 1,294 days (3 years and ~8 months), one of the longest durations of captivity recorded. Ultimately, Edwin was returned to military control, liberated or repatriated.