Wallet Caddy - Diversion Safe - Stash Case (Great for Concerts) - Black.

CAN BE USED TO CONCEAL: Hand Rolled Cigarettes🌲🔥Medicine💊 Cash💰 Anything Else You CanThink Of💡

Discreet Design: The Wallet Caddy's sleek and discreetdesign looks just like a stack of credit cards, making it the perfect diversionsafe and stash container to carry small items with you securely.

Durable Material: Made of the same durable PVC material ascredit cards, the Wallet Caddy has ridged edges and a support bar to preventyour valuables from getting crushed. This hidden container is designed to last.

Versatile Use: The Wallet Caddy is a versatile pocket safethat's great for carrying medicine, cash, SD cards, and other small items thatyou want to keep secure in a secret compartment.

Lock Tight Closure: The Wallet Caddy's lockable case ensuresthat your items stay secure and won't fall out. This portable safe is perfectfor use at concerts or when traveling.

Affordable Price: At just $12.99, the Wallet Caddy is anaffordable and convenient discreet holder that's perfect for anyone who wantsto keep their valuables safe and secure.

Holds 6 Joints: The Wallet Caddy is a great marijuana holderfor those living in states where marijuana is legal. With enough space to holdup to 6 joints, you can keep your stash safe and secure.