This post-exercise supplement is specially formulated for canine athletes and working dogs. With Glycocharge, your furry friend will have the energy and nutrients they need to recover quickly and stay at the top of their game. Made by Annamaet, a trusted brand in pet supplies, this supplement comes in a 15.87 lb package and is suitable for dogs of all sizes. The tan color of the supplement is easy to spot in your dog's food, ensuring they get the full benefits of the formula.

The package dimensions are 9.76x7.83x6.38 inches, making it easy to store and transport. This supplement is packed with vital vitamins and supplements that your furry friend needs to stay healthy and active. It comes in a unit type of lb and a size of 2.4 kg, with a weight of 5.95 pounds. Suitable for dogs of all ages and breeds, this supplement is a must-have for any pet owner looking to keep their canine friend in top shape.