Annual and biennial plants, herbaceous, with very showy flowers, of various colors and species.

Adapted to all kinds of climates, +12 species with maximum heights of 50 to 70cm, ideal for creating flowery meadows on sad-looking land.

Sow directly into the ground from May to June.

Annual and biennial plants, herbaceous, with very showy flowers, of various colors and species. Adapted to all kinds of climates, +12 species with maximum heights of 50 to 70cm, ideal for creating flowery meadows on sad-looking land. Sow directly into the ground from May to June.
Annual and biennial plants, herbaceous, with very showy flowers, of various colors and species. Adapted to all kinds of climates, +12 species with maximum heights of 50 to 70cm, ideal for creating flowery meadows on sad-looking land. Sow directly into the ground from May to June.