Large 125MM Natural Pink Bustamite Stone Spirit Healing Chakra Power Pyramid

Item : Pink Bustamite Stone Made Pyramid
Stone : Bustamite Stone
Size : 125MM (12.5CM) (5 Inches) Approx.
Weight : 1730 Grams (1.730 Kilograms) Approx.
Color : Pink
Qty : 1 Piece
Origin : India

Bustamite has a strong heart chakra energy that will attract happiness and blissful feelings. Their vibration may also help you to develop your intuition. They may help you to release stress by their action to create a tranquil and peaceful environment. These crystals help inner child healing and also have a number of other physical and emotional healing attributes. They are beneficial healing stones that may also clear any energetic blockages or sluggish energy from within the general region of the heart. These are wonderful crystals to use in meditation as they create a safe space that is known to assist you to make contact with angelic beings.

Use them to travel in the higher realms as they are excellent to assist you to make contact with your spirit guides and with angelic beings. A specific meditation you can use them to do is a inner child meditation, which may help you to resolve or let go of hurtful issues that you have been unable to release before. Having pieces of this stone in in the area where you live may be helpful to create a more peaceful environment. My Bustamite crystal skull can be used in meditation, but is also beneficial to have nearby to boost the harmony of your living space. I often use my crystal skulls as part of a crystal grid.