Bath & Body Works 3-Wick Candle White Chocolate Macadamia 411g

White Barn 3-Wick Candle

What it does: delivers an amazing, room-filling fragrance experience.

Why you'll love it:

Fragrance notes: chewy cookie filled with crunchy macadamia nuts and white chocolate chips

What it smells like: a delicious cookie with a nutty, tropical crunch.

Height: 9,3 cm / Diameter: 10,5 cm


To prevent fire and serious injury:

Always trim wick to 1/4 inch (0.6 cm) before lighting and keep debris out of wax pool. Never burn longer than 4-hour intervals. Set candle on heat-resistant surface and avoid drafts. Always burn within sight and extinguish before leaving room. Don't burn near things that catch fire. Keep away from children and pets. Don't extinguish with water. Always let wax harden before relighting, touching or moving.


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