Experience the epic journey of Wonder Woman in this thrilling comic book, Vol. 2: Year One (Rebirth). Written by Greg Rucka and illustrated by Romulo Fajardo Jr., Bilquis Evely, and Nicola Scott, this trade paperback is a must-have for fans of the DC Universe. Follow Diana Prince, also known as Wonder Woman, as she navigates the challenges of being a warrior and a diplomat, fighting for justice and peace in a world torn by war and conflict.

From the mythical island of Themyscira to the battlefields of World War I, Wonder Woman faces a variety of adversaries and allies, including General Philippus, Lieutenant Etta Candy, Steve Trevor, and the Justice League of America. With breathtaking artwork, gripping storytelling, and a diverse cast of characters, Wonder Woman Vol. 2: Year One (Rebirth) is a timeless masterpiece that will leave you wanting more.