The German Armor maker Herrmann J. Kaufmann started making armor in the late 1800 hundreds.  I own an extensive collection of these hard to find and extremely rare pieces that I am now selling.  They were sold to both European and American companies, including MGM and the MET and many other theaters and film makers in both Europe and America.  Many were even reused in several post time period movies and theatrical productions including BEN HUR which used them in both 1`925 and 1959 on both BEN HURS.  The company did not survive WWII.  

For sale here is a silent movie MGM & MET Roman Greek Viking Medieval Rennaissance helmet made in 1880 or earlier of later.  I only purchased the best of the best of these rare pieces.  If you buy three or more, I will give you a 10% discount, but you have to let know before your purchase.  Many came from the 1970 MGM Legendary David Weisz Auction as well as from the MET vaults when they were clearing out their old pieces.

The MGM receipts are even more are and are $100 each if you want one of those as well as 99.9% of them were thrown away after the purchase.  Back in 1970, no one thought a receipt was an important item to keep.  Many of MGM's auction items were sold in bulk, so many items or lots never had their own receipt.