No shipping involved, all will be delivered virtually.
Between 5 minutes - 7 hours of payment (usually instant) :D

โ— These items can only be obtained once per account. You will only receive items that you have not received before. To receive items, you must unlink the old twitch from your game account. The skins for hunters "Lulu" and "Billy" is impossible to get, as well as the weapons that were in these distributions. They expired, you can't find them anywhere.

๐Ÿ›’ List of items to receive:

1. Hunter "The Infected"
2. Hunter "Kill Buyer"
3. Hunter "Umpire's Bane"
4. x6 Weapons: Hand Crossbow "Bloodshot", Knife "The Marquis", Bornheim No. 3 "Alley Cat", The Fifth Tale, Jackal's Snare, Swallow's Tail
5. x6 Charms: Heraโ€™โ€Žs Gift, Gator Eye, Moondial, Carnassial Wills, Sinner's Hope, Molted Curio
6. x73 Crates: Anniversary Supply(33) / Partner Supply(12) / Supply(16) / Bayou Bowl(8) / Halloween Supply Crate(4) - loot from crates immediately comes to inventory, you dont need to open them. Items you can randomly get from each chest: Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun, Special Weapon, x12 Tools or Consumables, Legendary Hunter Instance, Hunt Dollars.
7. x8.250 Event Points