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Titolo: 5 Ingredient Air Fryer Recipes
Condizione: Nuovo
Subtítulos: 175 Delicious & Easy Meal Ideas Including Gluten-Free and Vegan
Autore: Camilla Saulsbury
Formato: Tascabile
EAN: 9780778805908
ISBN: 9780778805908
Publisher: Robert Rose Inc
Genere: Food & Drink
Data di pubblicazione: 30/04/2018
Description: One of life’s countless little pleasures is crispy, crunchy fried food. Thanks to the invention of the home air fryer using hot air rather than hot oil to “fry” foods, celebrations or weekend splurges can include this simple delight. The air fryer offers fried foods anytime with a fraction of the fat and calories and none of the usual messy cleanup left in the wake of traditional oil-fried foods. There is no need to stop there because favourite fried foods and many more recipes are easy with the recipes in this book, which use a small number of familiar ingredients, minimal preparation and minimal time. All of the recipes in this collection require no more than five ingredients (excluding salt, pepper, water and cooking spray), and most can be fully prepared in just 15 to 20 minutes. Each recipe is unique, designed exclusively for the air fryer and is downright delectable. The results are every bit as irresistible as the higher-fat options — perhaps even more so because they are healthy, too. Moreover, each dish is delicious proof that a recipe need not rely on expensive, hard-to-find ingredients and complicated steps to be excellent. The novice or a well-seasoned air-fry cook will find recipe after recipe that delivers impressive results, time and again. This collection inspires a quick trip to the kitchen to let the air-frying fun begin. The recipes are perfect for every type of occasion, from an impromptu party with friends to quick meals before and after work through every season of the year.
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: CA
Altezza: 255mm
Lunghezza: 178mm
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2018

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