From the bestselling author of Living With IT comes a breakthrough work that is the culmination of years of searching for the 'bottom line' of the malaise which affects not only those who suffer with anxiety and depression but also human beings in general in ever-increasing numbers. This feeling manifests as anything from dissatisfaction to rage, bullying to brutality, self pity to cynicism. It contaminates happiness, sabotages potential and saps joy. The malaise is not discriminating: it equally infects world leaders and ordinary citizens. What is this sickness? It is a lack of joy. It means existing instead of living, finding oneself empty and afraid, angry, blaming or bored senseless. It is marrying the wrong spouse, staying in the job you hate, eating the wrong foods, becoming addicted, being lonely, falling ill, feeling lost. But take heart, there is a cure, which is free, powerful and accessible to all - Love Yourself.