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Titolo: Heart of Darkness
Condizione: Nuovo
Title Format: Paperback
Description: Acclaimed illustrator Peter Kuper delivers a visually immersive and profound adaptation of Joseph Conrad’s controversial classic that “doesn’t just retell the book [but] destabilizes it, forcing a reconsideration” (Etelka Lechoczy, NPR). Longtime admirers of the novella will appreciate his innovative interpretations, while new readers will discover a brilliant introduction to a canonical work of twentieth-century literature.
Altezza: 234mm
Autore: Joseph Conrad
Contribuyente: Peter Kuper (Adapted by), Maya Jasanoff (Foreword by)
Formato: Tascabile
ISBN-10: 0393358437
EAN: 9780393358438
ISBN: 9780393358438
Genere: Graphic Novels
Data di pubblicazione: 04/09/2020
Lingua: inglese
Larghezza: 10mm
Publisher: WW Norton & Co
Soggetto: Classic Fiction, Fiction
Paese di origine: US
Lunghezza: 160mm
Peso: 370g
Anno di pubblicazione: 2020

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