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Titolo: Batman and Robin by Peter J. Tomasi and Patrick Gleason Book One
Condizione: Nuovo
Autore: Peter J. Tomasi, Patrick Gleason
Formato: Tascabile
EAN: 9781779525628
ISBN: 9781779525628
Publisher: DC Comics
Genere: Graphic Novels
Data di pubblicazione: 13/02/2024
Description: Bruce Wayne and his son Damian team in a new collection of beloved stories from writer Peter Tomasi and artist Patrick Gleason! Soon to make his big-screen debut, Damian Wayne is the child of Bruce Wayne and his enemy Talia al Ghul who was trained from birth to be an assassin but instead joined his father s crusade against crime! In these formative Damian stories, he learns a new path by fighting alongside the Dark Knight! Good and evil. Triumph and tragedy. Death and rebirth. This is Batman and Robin as you ve never seen them before. Writer Peter Tomasi and artist Patrick Gleason s bestselling Batman & Robin stories return in the first volume of this new collection! This first oversize softcover collects Batman and Robin (vol. 1) #20-22 and Batman and Robin (vol. 2) #0-14.
Lingua: inglese
Paese di origine: US
Altezza: 259mm
Lunghezza: 168mm
Title Format: Paperback
Anno di pubblicazione: 2024

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