Official Nintendo GameCube System which has been cleaned, and parts have been replaced to meet our quality standards. System has experienced the following:

Shell + Buttons - machine cleaned + dyed
Fans - hand cleaned
Thermal pads - replaced
PCB + Disk Drive - cleaned (IPA)


Picoboot mod - allows the user to perform various functions, including copying and running games to and from the Micro SD, or making the system region free. (disk drive is present, so users can play on physical media if desired).
SD2SP2 + 128GB Micro SD installedBluetooth RGB LED mod - enables the user to pick whatever color, pattern, and luminosity they desire through a smartphone app (QR Code will be provided)
CR2032 battery holder + new battery installed

Operation of the console is within normal parameters, including all button, temperature, and optical drive readings. Purchase comes with all of the necessary cables. Controller and memory card are not included.


Any games seen in the images for this listing are used for promotional purposes ONLY. They will NOT be included on the Micro SD card with your purchase. The Micro SD card will be wiped clean of any games or software beyond the Swiss files for the Picoboot mod. Nerka Media does not condone piracy in any shape or form, please game responsibly.

This system has been dyed with Rit Synthetic Dye. As such, the dye might be effected by extensive use, or by alcohol or acetone based products coming into contact with it. Here at Nerka Media, we consider these working art pieces. As an art piece, user discretion is advised. We recommend cleaning with a damp wash cloth with water only.

Operation of the console falls within normal parameters, this includes all button inputs, rumble, analog functionality, temperature readings, and optical drive performance. That being said, the parts in this bundle are NOT new, there may be imperfections given the age of the system. Please review the provided photos before making a purchase.