[Scene: A sleek and stylish boardroom. The walls adorned with previous award-winning campaigns. Our protagonist, a creative genius, stands confidently preparing to pitch for the biggest contract in their agency's history.] Creative Genius (CG): Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed client, thank you for this incredible opportunity. Today, I bring you a product that will revolutionize beauty as you know it - Max Factor Colour Elixir Matte Lip Butter in the enchanting shade of 114 Autumn Apricot. This extraordinary creation not only understands women's desires but fulfills them, leaving them empowered and radiant. (Emotional Benefits) CG: Imagine a warm, crisp autumn day—filled with the subtle hues of leaves gracefully falling around you. Max Factor has captured that essence in a stroke of genius, allowing every woman to carry the enchantment of Autumn Apricot on her lips. This shade unlocks emotions - the feeling of confidence, adventure, and the allure of new beginnings. With a single swipe, women will hold the power to embrace their individuality and radiate a captivating aura that leaves a lasting impression on all they encounter. (Functional Benefits) CG: But let's not forget the functional brilliance of Max Factor Colour Elixir Matte Lip Butter. We've harnessed cutting-edge technology to deliver more than just a gorgeous shade. This revolutionary formula combines the richness of a lipstick, the sensuality of a buttery texture, and the stunning, modern matte finish that women crave. Its weightless, velvety-smooth application leaves lips feeling nourished and hydrated, never dry or uncomfortable. CG: The Max Factor Colour Elixir Matte Lip Butter is not just a lipstick; it's a beauty accessory that effortlessly transitions from day to night. Its long-lasting formula ensures that women can conquer the world without worrying about constant touch-ups. Whether it's a professional board meeting or an intimate dinner, Autumn Apricot will remain impeccable, empowering her to seize each moment with utmost confidence. CG: Ladies and gentlemen, this is the opportunity to align your esteemed brand with a product that captivates both emotions and functionality. Max Factor Colour Elixir Matte Lip Butter provides women with the ability to express their inner beauty, emphasizing their uniqueness wherever they go. By joining forces with us, your brand becomes the catalyst for women who dare to explore, embrace their individuality, and feel extraordinary. (Client and members of the board lean back, visibly impressed by the pitch, intrigued by the potential of Max Factor Colour Elixir Matte Lip Butter.) CG: Let this collaboration be a beacon of innovation, style, and empowerment, igniting a spark that will forever change the beauty landscape. Max Factor Colour Elixir Matte Lip Butter in 114 Autumn Apricot - where beauty meets brilliance. (Silence fills the room. The anticipation lingers in the air. Our Creative Genius has made their mark, confident in their ability to secure the contract worth millions.) CG: Thank you for your time. Now, let's redefine beauty together.