This unique Rhipsalis plant from Garden's life is perfect for both indoor and outdoor spaces.
 Its open-terrarium method of planting allows for easy maintenance and watering needs, making it ideal for those who don't have the time to water their plants all the time. 
The fancy appearance of rhipsalis makes it suitable for decoration of interior spaces, adds a touch of natural beauty to any space, and thrives in medium sun conditions. 
This Rhipsalis plant is a must-have for any plant enthusiast. Its watering needs are light and its genus is Rhipsalis, known for its unique and exotic appearance.
Add this one-of-a-kind plant to your collection and watch it giving emphasis to any position it's placed.
As a succulent plant it is resistant and needs a little water.
As an open plant terrarium, consequently closed at its lower surface needs a very small amount of water every 5-7 days and you can place it anywhere for interior or exterior decoration as long as air and sun are provided.