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Titolo: Haunted
Condizione: Nuovo
Title Format: Paperback
Description: ATAC Briefing for Agents Frank and Joe Hardy:
Special Paranormal Operation

MISSION: Investigate possible supernatural disturbances at the Undercliff House of Detention, formerly an insane asylum in the 1800s.

LOCATION: Juvenile detention center in Glastonbury, CT.

POTENTIAL VICTIMS: Many of the inmates appear to be dying from pure terror!

SUSPECTS: Lara Renner claims to be a psychic with a direct line to the spirit behind the hauntings, but perhaps her motives are more down-to-earth. Then there's the cafeteria worker with a major grudge. Or could it be the culprits are truly ghosts?
Altezza: 194mm
Autore: Franklin W. Dixon
Data di pubblicazione: 05/08/2008
EAN: 9781416961697
Formato: Tascabile
Genere: Children's Books
ISBN: 9781416961697
ISBN-10: 1416961690
Larghezza: 13mm
Lingua: inglese
Lunghezza: 130mm
Paese di origine: US
Peso: 156g
Publisher: Aladdin
Serie: Hardy Boys Undercover Brothers: Super Mystery
Anno di pubblicazione: 2008

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