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Road Runner molded case for tele or strat or similar in very good condition. Lid covered in stickers, some Goo-gone and a little elbow grease could make this case as new. Or maybe they'll just peel off cleanly. No keys.

Return Policy:
Returns accepted. Original shipping not refunded. 
Buyer's responsibility includes:
  • doesn't fit your project - NOTE - Fender necks and bodies (strat necks and strat bodies, tele necks and tele bodies) typically have the same specs, however when they do there's no guarantee that they won't require some attention to fit together properly. This is not the seller's responsibility.
  • if this item happens to be a single pickup -check with meter upon receiving and before installing to confirm a safe trip; pickups are fragile and not everyone treats them with respect.
  • please contact if there's any issue with item
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