The Flying Child

Editor: Flammarion
Author: Pollet-Villard Philippe
Date of print: 2017
Format/size: 22x15x3cm
Binding: Pin
Pages: 420 pages
State: Very good state
Condition details: French edition - The book may have slight storage and/or reading marks on the cover and/or edges but is otherwise in very good condition overall. Carefully shipped in suitable packaging from France
ISBN/EAN: 9782081284722
Reference 50711
Availability In stock


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The Flying Child Flammarion Pollet-Villard Philippe Date of print: Format/size: Very good state Condition details: French edition - The book may have slight storage and/or reading marks on the cover and/or edges but is otherwise in very good condition overall. Carefully shipped in suitable packaging from France 9782081284722 Availability In stock Pictures Other books in our catalog My detective novel The Thadéo agency - Tragic Symphony The Mask n538 Daniel Defoe Robinson Crusoe Green Library SUPER PICSOU GIANT n79 Disney Hachette Presse 08 The Top Volume 16 CD Michael a kahn Death in filigree Librairie des champs elysées Beasts and nature n88 August 1971 2 The Age of Reason DVD MICKEY PARADE n242 Disney Hachette Presse 02 My Crime Novel Lots of blood for a corpse - Richebourg F