[ Private Photocopy ] Change in Cameroon.

von Ejedepang-Koge, S. N.:

Ejedepang-Koge, S. N.:
Verlag / Jahr
Alexandria: ARC Publications, 1985.
Format / Einband
Hard copy, glued. 176 p.
ca. 550 g
Private photocopy of Dr. Hans-Joachim Koloß (curator of the African collection of the Berlin Ethnological Museum), Xerox copy. - A good copy, but with some copied annotations in the book. - Contents Preface Part One Introduction A Varied Environment Chapter One: I-Location II-Relief III-Climate. Chapter Two: The Creation of Cameroon. Historico-Constitutional Hallmarks I-Introduction II-Changing Guards: Kamerun becomes Cameroon and Cameroun. III-The Origins of Nationalism. IV-Creating a Federal Cameroon V-Towards a United Party VI-From Federation to Unitary System VII-Leadership Change: A Surprise . VIII-Political Crisis Bursts to the Open: Change in Change. IX-A Lesson Learned?. Chapter Three: Politics and Policies The Basis of Economic and Socio-Political Action in Cameroon I-Foundations in Recent History II-National Security and National Unity. III-Social Justice and Balanced Development a) Social Justice b) Balanced Development. IV-Planned Liberalism and Self-Reliant Development a) Planned Liberalism b) Self-Reliant Development. V-Foreign Policy. a) Non-Alignment b) Diplomacy of Active Presence Chapter Four: Socio-Political Action I-Question of Security and National Unity II-Education and Professional Training. III-University and Professional Training IV-Cameroon's Social Legislation V-Health and Sanitary Conditions -Fighting Pollution Chapter Five: The Economy of Cameroon I-Justification of Soundness: The Trump-Cards. II-The Indispensable Agricultural Backbone and the Green Revolution. III-A Growing Industrial Sector. IV-Foreign Aid is only an Adjunct. V-The Cameroon Budget: Symbol of Economic Health. VI-No Excuse for Complacency. Part Two Economic Activities in Cameroon Introduction Section One: The People Chapter Six: The Peoples of Cameroon Introduction I-Origin, Ethnic Composition and Settlement of Cameroon. 1. First inhabitants: The Pygmies? 2. The Sao. 3. The Sudanic Peoples. 4. The Bantu. 5. The Bantoid or Semi Bantu Group 6. The Hemitic People. 7. Present Day Migrations. II-Spatial/Areal Distribution of the Population 1. Four Areas of Dense Settlement. 2. Areas of Low Densities. III-Demographic Evolution and Structure 1. Evolution of Population. 2. Population Structure. IV-Educating the Population. Section Two: Rural Activities Chapter Seven: Agriculture I-Subsistence or Food-Crop Agriculture. 1. Methods and Adaptations. 2 Problems Faced by Food Producers. II-Cash Crop or Commercial or Export Agriculture 1. Peasant Cash-crop Farming. 2. Plantation Agriculture. III-The Future Chapter Eight: Fishing I-Artisanal Fishing. II-Industrial Fishing. III-Problems and Prospects. Chapter Nine: Livestock I-Traditional Animal Rearing II-Modern Animal Husbandry III-Problems and the Future. Chapter Ten: Forest Exploitation I-Traditional Forest Exploitation. 1. Subsistence Forest Exploitation 2. Traditional Forest Exploitation for Cash. II-Modern Forest Exploitation. 1. Research 2. Production and Processing. 3. Prospects Section Three: Industries and Industrialization Chapter XI: Statutory Economic Structures and Natural Resources I-Statutory Economic Structures 1. The Investment Code 2. The Cameroon Development Bank 3. The National Fund for Rural Development (Fonader) 4. MIDEVIV 5. Board for the Preparation and Management of Industrial Estates (MAGZI) 6. National Investment Corporation (SNI) 7. The Central African Customs Union 8. Small and Medium size Enterprises Promotion II-Other Factors Which Favour Industrialization 1. Agricultural Raw Material 2. Mineral Resources 3. Hydroelectricity 4. Capital 5. Trade Links 6. Population 7. Communication Chapter 12: Existing Industrial Activities and Units 1. Artisanal Industries: Arts and Crafts. 2. Agriculturally Based Industries: Food. 3. Clothing Industries 4. Other Agriculturally Based Industries 5. Forestry Industry. 6. Aluminium Industry 7. Engineering and other Metallurgical Industries. 8. Cement Production. 9. Chemical Industry 10. The Construction Industry -An Accute Shortage of Housing. 11. Tourism. a) Varied Attractions. b) Income and Employment. c) Possible Problems. 12. Problems and Prospects. Chapter 13: Chapter 14: Communication Introduction I-Communication by Water (Sea and River). A. Sea Transportation. B. Communication through Inland Water C. Camshipline and Shippers Council . II-Communication by Land. A. The Railway. B. Roads III-Communication by Air . IV-Other Forms of Communication Cameroon's Trade I-Internal Trade II-International Trade III-Balance of Trade. Conclusion: IV-Tourism Chronology of Cameroon History Bibliography Index.
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[ Private Photocopy ] Change in Cameroon.

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