Eight Parlor Views — Night Bells from a Clock. [Folding cardboard with art print of Japanese woodblock]. Unsigned and without seals.

von Harunobu, Suzuki:

Harunobu, Suzuki:
Verlag / Jahr
w/o place, w/o year.
Format / Einband
Leaflet 28,5*42 cm, Art print 20,8*28 cm. Front cover with a small image of the art print, 1 side text, 1 side with art print fixed to one side, back side blank.
ca. 550 g
Leaflet slightly bumped at the lower edge in the fold, art print very good. Text in Japanese and English. - Chuban Nishikie - (Important Art Object) A contemporary beauty kneels on a porch, wrapped in a loose robe revealing her shoulders. She and an attendant pause to listen to the sound of a clock. The classic parallel in China is "Temple Haze and Vesper Bells," while the Japanese counterpart is "Vesper Bells at Mii." Brocade prints such as this are a culmination of long evolution from single-color sumi prints through tane, urushie and benizurie. The brocade prints were carved carefully and printed on thick hosho paper with high quality pigments, utilizing such laborious techniques as gaufrage and wood grain effects.
Unser Preis
EUR 18,00
(inkl. MwSt.)
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Eight Parlor Views — Night Bells from a Clock. [Folding cardboard with art print of Japanese woodblock].

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