Logic. A Very Short Introduction. ( SIGNIERT ).

von Priest, Graham:

Priest, Graham:
Verlag / Jahr
Oxford University Press, 2000.
Format / Einband
(XIV); 128 Seiten; Abbildungen; 17,5 cm; kart.
ca. 550 g
Sehr gutes Exemplar. - Englisch. - Titelblatt von Graham Priest SIGNIERT. - Graham Priest (* 1948 in London) ist ein Philosoph und Logiker sowie Professor an der Universität Melbourne. Er ist bekannt für seine Arbeiten zur Philosophie der Logik und zur Nicht-klassischen Logik. Priest hat wesentliche Aufsätze zur parakonsistenten Logik beigesteuert. Einflussreich war insbesondere sein Aufsatz "What is so bad about contradictions?" von 1998, in dem er argumentiert, dass aus Widersprüchlichem nicht Beliebiges folgen sollte (also entgegen ex falso quodlibet). Es gebe Beispiele in der Physik und im Rechtssystem, in dem wir Widersprüche in Kauf nehmen, weil es eine weit komplexere Erklärung oder Regelung benötigen würde, sie aufzulösen. Daraus ergebe sich zwar eventuell eine gewisse Unschärfe, jedoch dürfe keinesfalls Beliebiges gefolgert werden. Infolge dieser Auffassung hat er sich mit verschiedenen alternativen Logiken beschäftigt und unter anderem ein Standard-Lehrbuch zur nicht-klassischen Logik verfasst. ... (wiki) // Logic is often perceived as an esoteric subject, having little to do with the rest of philosophy, and even less to do with real life. In this lively and accessible introduction, Graham Priest shows how wrong this conception is. He explores the philosophical roots of the subject, explaining how modern formal logic deals with issues ranging from the existence of God and the reality of time to paradoxes of self-reference, change, and probability. Along the way, the book explains the basic ideas of formal logic in simple, non-technical terms, as well as the philosophical pressures to which these have responded. This is a book for anyone who has ever been puzzled by a piece of reasoning. (Verlagstext) // INHALT : Preface ------ List of Illustrations ------ Validity: What Follows from What? ------ Truth Functions - Or Not? ------ Names and Quantifiers: Is Nothing Something? ------ Descriptions and Existence: Did the Creeks Worship Zeus? ------ Self-Reference: What is this Chapter About? ------ Necessity and Possibility: What Will be Must be? ------ Conditionals: What's in an If? ------ The Future and the Past: Is Time Real? ------ Identity and Change: Is Anything Ever the Same? ------ Vagueness: How do you Stop Sliding down a Slippery ------ Slope? ------ Probability: The Strange Case of the Missing Reference Class ------ Inverse Probability: You can't be Indifferent About it! ------ Decision Theory: Great Expectations / (u.a.) --- Logic is one of the most ancient intellectual disciplines, and one of the most modern. Its beginnings go back to the 4th century BC. The only older disciplines are philosophy and mathematics, with both of which it has always been intimately connected. It was revolutionized around the turn of the twentieth century, by the application of new mathematical techniques, and in the last half-century it has found radically new and important roles in computation and information processing. It is thus a subject that is central to much human thought and endeavour. This book is an introduction to logic, as contemporary logicians now understand the subject. It does not attempt to be a textbook, however. There are numerous such books currently available. The point of this one is to explore the roots of logic, which sink deep into philosophy. Some formal logic will be explained along the way. In each of the main chapters, I start by taking up some particular philosophical problem or logical puzzle. I then explain one approach to it. Often this is a fairly standard one; but in some of the areas there is no standard answer: logicians still disagree. In such cases, I have just chosen one that is interesting. Nearly all the approaches, whether standard or not, may be challenged. I finish each chapter with some problems for the approach that I have explained. Sometimes these problems are standard; sometimes they are not. … (Vorwort) ISBN 9780192893208
Graham Priest; Philosophie / Logik; Wissenschaftsgeschichte
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Logic. A Very Short Introduction. ( SIGNIERT ).

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