On Freud's "Beyond the pleasure principle".

von Akhtar, Salman and Mary Kay O'Neil (Eds.):

Akhtar, Salman and Mary Kay O'Neil (Eds.):
Verlag / Jahr
London : Karnac, 2011.
Format / Einband
Originalbroschur. XVI, 312 S.
ca. 550 g
Einband leicht berieben. Bibliotheksexemplar mit Stempeln. - Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920). Sigmund Freud -- Jenseits and beyond: teaching Freud's late work. W. Craig Tomlinson -- Life and death in Freudian metapsychology: a reappraisal of the second instinctual dualism. Fatima Caropreso & Richard Theisen Simanke -- An unusual manifestation of repetition compulsion in traumatized patients. Ira Brenner -- The dream in Beyond the Pleasure Principle and beyond. Joshua Levy -- Does the death-instinct-based theory of aggression hold up? Henri Parens -- The concept of the death drive: a clinical perspective. Otto Kernberg -- Addiction to near-death. Betty Joseph -- Manifestations of the death instinct in the consulting room. Michael Feldman -- A Hindu reading of Freud's Beyond the Pleasure Principle. Ashok Nagpal -- The trauma of lost love in psychoanalysis. Elisabeth Young-Bruehl.
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On Freud's "Beyond the pleasure principle".

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