President Nixon. Alone in the White House. Von Richard Reeves.

von Reeves, Richard and Richard Nixon:

Reeves, Richard and Richard Nixon:
Verlag / Jahr
Simon & Schuster, 2001.
Format / Einband
702 Seiten; Illustr.; 24 cm; fadengeh. Orig.-Halbleinenband mit OUmschl.
ca. 1100 g
Gutes Exemplar; Umschlag berieben; einige Seiten etwas wellig. - Englisch. - Richard Milhous Nixon (* 9. Januar 1913 in Yorba Linda, Kalifornien; † 22. April 1994 in New York City) war ein US-amerikanischer Politiker der Republikanischen Partei und von 1969 bis 1974 der 37. Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten. Infolge der Watergate-Affäre trat Nixon als bisher einziger US-Präsident der Geschichte von seinem Amt zurück. ... (wiki) // Who was Richard Nixon? The most amazing thing about the man was not what he did as president, but that he became president. In President Nixon, Richard Reeves has used thousands of new interviews and recently discovered or declassified documents and tapes- including Nixon's tortured memos to himself and unpublished sections of H. R. Haldeman's diaries-to offer a nuanced and surprising portrait of the brilliant and contradictory man alone in the White House. President Nixon is a startling narrative of a desperately introverted man who dreamed of becoming the architect of his times. Late at night, he sat upstairs in the White House writing notes to himself on his yellow pads, struggling to define himself and his goals: "Compassionate, Bold, New, Courageous ... Zest for the job (not lonely but awesome). Goals-reorganized govt ... Each day a chance to do something memorable for someone. Need to be good to do good ... Need for joy, serenity, confidence, inspiration." But downstairs he was building a house of deception. He could trust no one because in his isolation he thought other people were like him. He governed by secret orders and false records, memorizing scripts for public appearances and even for one-on-one meetings with his own staff and cabinet. His principal assistants, Haldeman and Henry Kissinger, spied on him as he spied on them, while cabinet members, generals, and admi-rals spied on all of them-rifling briefcases and desks, tapping each other's phones in a house where no one knew what was true anymore. Nixon's first aim was to restore order in an America at war with itself over Vietnam. But in fact he prolonged the fighting there, lying systematically about what was happening both in the field and in the peace negotiations. ... (Verlagstext) ISBN 0684802317
Richard Nixon; Biografie; Watergate; USA; Geschichte; Politik
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President Nixon. Alone in the White House. Von Richard Reeves.

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