Recht, Gerechtigkeit und der Staat. Studien zu Gerechtigkeit, Demokratie, Nationalität, nationalen Staaten und supranationalen Staaten aus der Perspektive der Rechtstheorie, der Sozialphilosophie und der Sozialwissenschaften ; [Reykjavík 1993 ; Verhandlungen]. Law, justice, and the state. Hrsg. von Mikael M. Karlsson ... Vorw. von Mikael M. Karlsson / Internationale Vereinigung für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie: ... Weltkongress ; 16; Rechtstheorie / Beiheft ; 15.

von Karlsson, Mikael M. (u.a.):

Karlsson, Mikael M. (u.a.):
Verlag / Jahr
Berlin : Duncker und Humblot Verlag, 1993.
Format / Einband
kart. XI, 467 S. ; 24 cm;
ca. 650 g
Gutes Ex.; Einband etwas lichtrandig, stw. berieben u. mit Knickspur; innen kl. hs. Besitzvermerk (Prof. Günter Abel). - Englisch. - ISSN 0720-6933. - INHALT : Studies on Law, Justice, and the State -- Attracta Ingram -- The Empire Strikes Back: Liberal Solidarity in a Europe des Patries. -- Maria Boruck-Arctowa -- Unity and Diversity: The Dilemma of the European -- Community and National Identity. -- Ake Frdndberg -- On the Relation Between Law and State. -- Zenon Bankowski -- Don't Think About it: Legalism and Legality. -- Roberto Vernengo -- Law and Morality: An Analysis of Their Possible Relations. -- Anne de Moor -- Contract, Justice and Diversity in the Remaking of Europe. -- Alexander Brostl -- Troubles with Law, Justice and Nationalism. -- Joxerramon Bengoetxea -- L'etat, c'estfini?. -- Anita Allen -- Does a Child Have a Right to a Certain Identity?. -- Letizia Gianformaggio -- Identity, Equality, Similarity and the Law. -- K. B. Agrawal -- The Rule of Law and the Principles of the Welfare State. -- Bong-Humm Paik -- The Rights of Aliens and Human Rights. -- Jon Elster -- The Empirical Study of Justice. -- Pall S. Ardal -- Revenge and Punishment: Common Morality and the Law Re-visited, with a Lesson from the Icelandic Sagas. -- I. Law and the State: Issues Concerning Democracy, Justice, and the State -- Eerik Lagerspetz -- Democracy and Paradox. -- Rex Martin -- Basic Rights. -- Tecla Mazzarese -- Judicial Implementation of Fundamental Rights: Three Sorts of Problem. -- Jeffrie G. Murphy -- Human Decency and the Limitations of Kantianism. -- James Sterba -- Conceptions of Justice: A Practical Reconciliation. -- II. Nationality, Law, and the State -- Lars D. Eriksson -- The Disintegration of the Nation-State. -- Denise Reaume -- Moral and Legal Responses to the Multi-cultural, -- Multi-ethnic State. -- Brian Slattery -- Transcending Community: Some Thoughts on Havel and Bergson. -- Michel Troper -- Some Thoughts on the Status of the General Theory of the State. -- III. Law, Justice, and the Re-making of Europe -- Jes Bjarup -- If you Can't Join Them, Beat Them: Some Jurisprudential Comments on Denmark's Position on the Maastricht Treaty -- Helen Endre -- Post-structuralist Values in the Post-unification Era: Colonisation or Synthesis?. -- Valentin Petev -- A New Concept of Law for Eastern Europe. -- Marek Zirk-Sadowski -- The Instrumentalization of Law and Legal Culture in Eastern European Countries. -- IV. Law, Justice, and Disproportionalities -- Wesley Cragg -- Philosophy of Punishment and the Problem of Disparities. -- Y. R. Haragopal Reddy -- Prison Justice and the Rights of Prisoners. -- Sandra Marshall -- Punishing Women: Equal or Different?. -- Uma Narayan -- 'Standard Persons' and 'Non-standard' Vulnerabilities: The Legal Protection of Non-standard Interests. -- Yadlapalli Vishnupriya -- The Legal Rights of Children. -- Sigridur Porgeirsdottir -- Freedom, Community and the Family: Feminist Critique, Communitarianism and Liberalism. ISBN 9783428077922
Nationalstaat ; Rechtstheorie ; Sozialphilosophie; Kongress ; Reykjavik <1993>; Nationalstaat ; Kongress ; Reykjavik <1993>, Politik, Recht, Soziologie, Gesellschaft, Philosophie
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Recht, Gerechtigkeit und der Staat. Studien zu Gerechtigkeit, Demokratie, Nationalität, nationalen Staaten und supranationalen Staaten aus der Perspektive der Rechtstheorie, der Sozialphilosophie und der Sozialwissenschaften ; [Reykjavík 1993 ; Verhandlungen]. Law, justice, and the state.

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