Black Laughter.

von Powys, Llewelyn:

Powys, Llewelyn:
Verlag / Jahr
London: MacDonald., 1953.
Format / Einband
Originalleinen mit Schutzumschlag / Cloth with dustjacket. 183 S. / p.
ca. 550 g
Private Widmung auf Vorsatz an Hans Andreasen, Einband mit Läsuren, innen gut und sauber / Private dedication on flyleaf to Hans Andreasen, cover with wear, inside good and clean - One of the modern masters of English prose, Llewelyn Powys went in search of health to East Africa, where his younger brother was managing a sheep farm. When his brother joined the army, Powys was left to manage the farm, remaining in Africa for five years. -- Powys discussed his impressions of Africa and its problems in other books, but Black Laughter contains the quintessence of his impressions—the essence indeed of all the mysteries of the dark continent. On its first publication, with an introduction by the great novelist, Theodore Dreiser, Black Laughter took America by storm. Recognised as a classic about Africa, the book has since been often reprinted both in England and in America, but the present edition is the first for many years and has the advantage of an appreciative introduction by Negley Farson, the author of Behind God's Back and Last Chance in Africa. -- In his introduction Mr. Farson writes: “ This book has undertones of Africa that I think you will find in no other work. ‘Yes! That is exactly it!’ will exclaim an old African hand, when he comes upon the passage where Llewelyn Powys looks down on the dead leopard, and is amazed by ‘ the mere fact that such an animal should be abroad on this earth’ and ‘how heavy that limp skin was, that gorgeous skin that smelt of the fierce leopard sweat of a thousand jungle nights.’ Sometimes the recognition is as instant and as simple as this; sometimes more subtle, as when Powys speaks of ‘the startling silence of the flat rocks’; and sometimes it goes into the very core of the heart of the man who knows Africa, as when Powys shows how that inimical continent can debase a man - even himself.”
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