English Romanticism: The Human Context.

von Gaull, Marilyn:

Gaull, Marilyn:
Verlag / Jahr
New York, London: W. W. Norton & Company, 1988.
Format / Einband
Paperback. XVI, 447 p.
ca. 433 g
Einband leicht berieben, sonst ein gutes und sauberes Exemplar ohne Anstreichungen / Binding slightly rubbed, otherwise a good and clean copy without markings. - Contents Preface Part I. The Human Context Chapter I. People during the Romantic Age Chapter II. The Literary Marketplace Publishers The Reviews William Hazlitt Magazines Leigh Hunt Thomas De Quincey Newspapers William Cobbett Religious Tracts: Hannah More Chapter III. Children’s Literature and Education The Didactic Background Rousseau and His Influence Maria Edgeworth Educational Systems William Godwin Charles and Mary Lamb Poems for Children Robert Southey and “The Three Bears” The Birth of Fantasy Chapter IV. The Theater Licensed Theaters Unlicensed Theaters Pantomime Melodrama Actors Poets as Playwrights Thomas Lovell Beddoes Chapter V. Poets and a Gallery of “Sophisters, Economists, and Calculators” Poetry and Power Adam Smith Thomas R. Malthus Jeremy Bentham Edmund Burke Thomas Paine Mary Wollstonecraft William Godwin Robert Owen Samuel Taylor Coleridge Poets and Politics Chapter VI. Heroes and Heroism The Decline of Heroism The Royal Family and Friends Beau Brummell Religious Heroes Warrior Heroes: Nelson, Wellington, and Napoleon The Byronic Hero Part II. The Illusion of History Chapter VII. Inventing the Past The Uses of the Bible The Druids The Hellenic Revival The Erotic Theme The Platonic Theme The Elgin Marbles Dionysus in England Percy Bysshe Shelley: The Hellenic Fulfillment The Hellenic Twilight Chapter VIII. Natural History and Its Illusion Geological Forces John Martin: Painter of Catastrophism Romantic Melancholy The Reality of Death John Keats: The Temple of Melancholy Chapter IX. The Gothic The Early Gothic Novel: I lorace Walpole and Ann Radcliffe Sensibility and the Gothic The Sublime and the Gothic Romance Gothic Terror: William Beckford and Matthew “Monk” Lewis The Grotesque: Henry Fuseli’s Nightmare Shifts in Gothic Taste Parodying Gothic: Jane Austen and Thomas Love Peacock The Psychological Gothic: Mary Shelley John Polidori’s The Vampyre Charles Maturin’s Melmouth the Wanderer James Hogg’s Confessions of a Justified Sinner ¦r The Role of the Gothic Chapter X. Bards and Minstrelsy The Appeal of Antiquarianism Percy’s Reliques The Minstrel: James Beattie and Thomas Chatterton Robert Burns Collectors and Antiquarians Sir Walter Scott: Minstrel Historian Thomas Carlyle: The Historian as Bard History and Poetry Part HL The Experimental Arts: Poetry, Painting, Science Chapter XI. The Poetry of Life: The Philosophical Background Tradition and Creativity Empiricism: Hartley and Wordsworth Idealism: Berkeley and the Poets The Common Sense Philosophers Physiognomy and Phrenology Fragmented Philosophy and Philosophical Poetry The Imagination William Wordsworth Wordsworth and the Guidebooks Chapter XII. Painting and the Other Visual Arts The Awakening of the Visual Arts William Blake The State of the Arts The Professionalization of the Fine Arts Benjamin Robert Haydon: Exemplary Failure Illustration and Portraiture Physiognomy, Natural History, and Animal Painting Painting Animals and Illustrating Natural History John Constable: Painting as Earth Science J. M. W. Turner: Paintingas Physical Science Chapter XIII. Science The Chain of Being and the Chain of Life Analogical Thinking Electricity Naturphilosophie What Is Life? Science and Poetry Humphry Davy: Poet Scientist Science and “The Household of Man” The Professionalization of Science Science and Technology The Limits of Knowledge Enfranchisement of the Human Imagination Notes Index. ISBN 9780393955477
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