Collection Book. Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen.

von Ex, Sjarel (u.a.):

Ex, Sjarel (u.a.):
Verlag / Jahr
(Rotterdam), 2012.
Format / Einband
224 Seiten; sehr zahlr., vorwiegend farbige Illustrationen; 27 cm; kart.
ca. 1300 g
Sehr gutes Exemplar. - Mit farb. illustr. Einband. - Englisch. - Das Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen ist das größte Kunstmuseum in Rotterdam mit zahlreichen Gemälden und Skulpturen. Direktor ist seit 2004 der Kunsthistoriker Sjarel Ex. Der Bestand des Museums stammt zum Teil aus dem Vermächtnis des Rotterdamer Rechtsanwalts Frans Jacob Otto Boijmans aus dem Jahre 1847. Im Jahre 1958 erwarb das Museum die Sammlung des Industriellen und Reeders Daniël George van Beuningen. In späteren Jahren wurde die Sammlung durch Ankäufe und weitere Schenkungen erweitert. Im Museum sind u. a. eine kleine Version des Turmbaus zu Babel von Pieter Brueghel dem Älteren, Werke von Rembrandt, Jan Steen, Vincent van Gogh und Werke vieler Meister des 20. Jahrhunderts zu sehen. Die bedeutende graphische Sammlung besitzt unter anderem die weltweit einzige allgemein anerkannte Zeichnung des Giorgione (1478-1510). … (wiki) // This book is a unique introduction to the rich diversity of art at Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen. Since it first opened its doors in 1852 the museum has worked tirelessly to consolidate the collection, which currently comprises an estimated total of some 140,000 objects. The collection has flourished over the years, thanks to the generosity of our many benefactors. The contribution made by our Association of Friends and the museum's funds and trusts has been of inestimable importance. We have received tens of thousands of works from more than 1,600 individuals. Our first director, Ary Johannes Lamme, his twelve successors and scores of curators, restorers, registrars and repository managers have made every effort over the years to conserve and enhance the collection. The museum's pride in the diversity of its collection is evident in all we do-on the premises, on the internet and in exhibitions at different venues in Rotterdam and far beyond. The collection is constantly evolving, reflecting shifts in taste and appreciation. New research has also left its mark. A case in point is an Italian painting, not included in the previous Collection Book, which at the time was attributed to an unknown artist. After it was restored, reappraised and exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum in New York, however, the Madonna and Child returned to Rotterdam as a work by Fra Angelico. It can be seen here, on page 51. The number of 'genuine Rembrandts' in the collection tends to fluctuate for the same reason, as experts continue to review the merits of past attributions (see pp. 156-57). This glimpse of the collection reveals a great deal but not all. For instance, there are no Vermeers by Van Meegeren, whose oeuvre was recently reappraised in a separate publication. However, readers will discover quite a few of our new acquisitions in these pages. Outstanding pieces like the Mae West Lips Sofa by Salvador DaIi and Matti Suuronen's Futuro have changed the overall aspect of the collection. Along with works by Verner Panton, Andy Warhol and Joep van Lieshout they have also given it a new dimension The Collection Book was conceived in partnership with designer Joost Grootens. It was based on a selection that reflects the particular interests of the museum team as a whole. This selection is presented on pp. 46-47 in no particular order, and the individual works are then arranged alphabetically. They are preceded by eight themes in which connecting lines are drawn through the collection across time, place of creation and discipline. This produced some interesting and unexpected groups, among them objects 27 cm tall, tables of all shapes and sizes, and works in black and white. Our former education curator Hanneke de Man explains the themes. The museum regards its collection as a single entity and so displays different types of art side by side: Old Masters rub shoulders with prints and drawings, applied arts and design, modern and contemporary art. The process of selecting works for the book raised a number of interesting questions. Why would one write about Wim T. Schippers's peanut butter floor and not Memling's horses? How does one choose between a work with an established reputation and a comparatively unknown piece of modern art or contemporary design? It is ultimately a matter of organizing, assessing, filtering and, above all, resolving dilemmas. Our final selection reflects the spirit of the museum at this particular point in time and represents a sample of the collection as a whole. … (Sjarel Ex, Director, Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen) ISBN 9789069182575
Museum Boijman / Kunstsammlung; Bildende Kunst; Malerei; Skulptur; Kunstwissenschaft; Kunstgeschichte
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Collection Book. Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen.

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