Analytic Philosophy and Cognitive Norms. [From: Barry Smith (ed.), The Monist, April, 1999, Vol. 82, No. 2].

von Engel, Pascal:

Engel, Pascal:
Verlag / Jahr
Buffalo (NY): State University of New York, 1999.
Format / Einband
Reprint, stapled. pp. 218-234.
ca. 550 g
From the working library of Günter Abel, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at the Technical University of Berlin. - A pristine copy. - From the text: Is there any point in defending today “analytic” philosophy against “continental” philosophy? Many people are doubtful about this, just because of the very use of quotation marks surrounding these names in the previous sentence. For what is “analytic philosophy”? At the time of Frege, Russell and Moore, or at the time of the positivists, and even in the late sixties, it may have been possible to find a set of criteria which could allow us to sort out the doctrines, concepts, methods and style of “analytic” philosophers from those of “continental” philosophers. Today it is much less easy to draw the distinction. This feeling is shared both by those ecumenists coming from the “continental” camp who find that, for instance, Habermas and Rawls, Derrida and Quine, Gadamer and Davidson, or Heidegger and Wittgenstein, share a lot of themes and doctrines in spite of superficial differences of style, and by a number of writers who would have been considered, some decades ago, as typical “analytic philosophers,” but who do not have today this sense of their typicality.
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Analytic Philosophy and Cognitive  Norms. [From: Barry Smith (ed.), The Monist, April, 1999, Vol. 82, No. 2].

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