Arts of the Amazon. Text by Peter G. Roe, Preface by Adam Mekler.

von Braun, Barbara (ed.):

Braun, Barbara (ed.):
Verlag / Jahr
New York: Thames and Hudson, 1995.
Format / Einband
Original brochure. 128 p., with 192 ill., 148 in color.
ca. 550 g
An impeccable copy. - The destruction of the Amazon rainforest has become an issue of vital concern throughout the world. Yet until now the extraordinary arts and crafts produced in the area have received little attention. This book is their definitive documentation. An astonishing array of objects both ceremonial and utilitarian are illustrated in over <190 specially commissioned photographs - resplendent feather headdresses, exotic bark cloth dance costumes, wild animal effigy and spirit body masks, beautifully painted tunics, extraordinary fire ant ritual shields, striking body ornaments of all kinds, ceramic sculptures, fine basketry and weapons - while a highly informed text defines the fascinating anthropological significance of each artifact. The objects embody a wealth of natural materials, from iridescent beetle wings and spectacular plumage to shiny animal teeth and rich woods - surviving expressions of a unique and fragile environment. Here at last the cultural richness of the Amazon receives not only the sympathetic understanding it deserves, but also the aesthetic appreciation that is so long overdue. - Contents: Preface (Adam Mekler) -- The Amazon Today (Barbara Braun) -- Arts of the Amazon (Peter G. Roe) -- Pottery Forms that Endure -- Basketry Inspired by the Dragon -- Textiles The Spider's Loom -- Hard Carvings A Question of Gender -- Featherwork Gift of the Birds -- Body Decoration Marked for Life -- Art as Performance -- Map of the Amazon region -- Notes on the text -- Bibliography -- Acknowledgments for illustrations - Index. ISBN 0500278245
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