Winnicott and the Psychoanalytic Tradition: Interpretation and Other Psychoanalytic Issues (The Winnicott Studies Monograph Series)

von Caldwell, Lesley:

Caldwell, Lesley:
1. Auflage.
Verlag / Jahr
London / New York: Routledge, 2008.
Format / Einband
paperback. 192 Seiten.
ca. 466 g
New Copy - This book focuses on two themes: the first theme is the true self and the resonance of Winnicott's thinking with the contributions of other major psychoanalysts of the past half century; the second theme emerges from the first: the pursuit of authenticity, whether by patient or analyst. – Contents: Introduction -- A theory for the true self -- Destructiveness and play: Klein, Winnicott, Milner -- On humming: reflections on Marion Milner's contribution to psychoanalysis -- Being and sexuality: contribution or confusion? -- Clinical experience with psychotic mothers and their babies -- On holding and containing, being and dreaming -- The virtues of Anna Freud -- Donald Winnicott and Melanie Klein: compatible outlooks? -- Michael Balint and Donald Winnicott: contributions to the treatment of severely disturbed patients in the Independent Tradition -- Therapeutic relations: Sándor Ferenczi and the British Independents -- The suppressed madness of sane analysts ISBN 9781855754676
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Winnicott and the Psychoanalytic Tradition: Interpretation and Other Psychoanalytic Issues (The Winnicott Studies Monograph Series)

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