Travels in Arabia Vol 1. Quellen zur Entdeckungsgeschichte und Geographie Asiens 8 - Introduction by Fred Schulz.

von Wellsted, J. R.:

Wellsted, J. R.:
Nachdr. d. Ausg. 1838.
Verlag / Jahr
Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt., 1978.
Format / Einband
Originalleinen mit Schutzumschlag / Cloth with dustjacket. XXIII, XVI, 446 Seiten / p.
ca. 1159 g
Altersgemäß sehr guter Zustand / very good condition for age - WELLSTED has left us in his two volume work “Travels in Arabia” a scientific heritage which, now that his observations can be verified, deserves respect and recognition, even after one and a half centuries. The question of what justifies the reprinting of these travel memoirs still remains, however. -- For the times, Wellsted carried out his scientific goals in a truly exemplary fashion. Not only his painstakingly exact cartographical records, which remain valid today, but also an abundance of minutely described observations of customs, manners, types of dwellings, of camel breeding, date harvesting, irrigation and vegetation, among other things, distinguish the first volume, which is devoted to Oman. It is particularly striking that his descriptions are almost entirely free of evaluation, of European reflections and free, too, of presumptuous prejudices. So it is not at all surprising that G. Schweinfurth, known to be particularly critical, describes Wellsted as one of the most conscientious scientific explorers that ever lived. -- Although interest in the southeast of the Arabian peninsula increased rapidly after 1850 and the number of travellers was comparatively high ( cf. Fig. 2 ) , Wellsted’s achievement, which must undoubtedly be recognized as a scientific one, was not surpassed. This is not an exaggerated opinion, but one which anyone who is familiar with the extensive literature devoted to travels in this part of the world and has first-hand knowledge of this region, would share. ISBN 9783201010702
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